Autonomic Nervous System Balance (Negative)

You have a moderately negative (Parasympathetic Dominant) Autonomic Nervous System. This will be reflected in your Metabolic Dietary Type and nutrient recommendations.

The autonomic nervous system controls most of the involuntary activities of your body. It regulates your metabolism and keeps you alive without conscious thought. It has two opposing branches; the parasympathetic and sympathetic. The parasympathetic branch (“rest and digest”) causes pupil contraction, lowering of heart rate, lowering of blood sugar, increasing of digestive secretions, and relaxing of the bladder among other things. The sympathetic branch (“fight or flight”) does the opposite. Some nutrients strengthen one branch over the other. When an imbalance exists, these nutrients can make the imbalance better or worse. Different people have different dietary requirements.

The best source of information about Metabolic Typing is The Metabolic Typing Diet by William L. Wolcott and Trish Fahey, published in 2000.

There are supplements formulated to balance the autonomic nervous system. An example of one can be found

RELATED Autonomic Nervous System Balance (Extreme Negative)

Signs, symptoms & indicators of Autonomic Nervous System Balance (Negative)

Lab Values - Common  

High systolic blood pressure


High diastolic blood pressure

Minor Symptoms  

Thin musculature

Counter Indicators
Minor Symptoms  

Thick musculature

Symptoms - Bowel Movements  

(Very) frequent stools or normal stool frequency

Counter Indicators
Symptoms - Bowel Movements  

(Tendency to/very) infrequent stools

Symptoms - Cardiovascular  


Symptoms - Food - General  

Weak appetite


Infrequent eating

Counter Indicators
Symptoms - Food - General  

Frequent eating


Strong appetite

Symptoms - Gas-Int - General  

(Confirmed) delayed gastric emptying


(History of) heartburn

Counter Indicators
Symptoms - Gas-Int - General  

Absence of delayed gastric emptying

Symptoms - Head - Mouth/Oral  

Cold sores

Symptoms - Immune System  

History of infections

Symptoms - Metabolic  

Low stamina

Symptoms - Mind - Emotional  

Patient/calm disposition


Being anxious/nervous

Symptoms - Mind - General  

Being highly motivated


A hard-driving personality


High spontaneity


Being easily excitable


Being an antisocial person

Counter Indicators
Symptoms - Mind - General  

Being a sociable person


Being not easily excited


Low spontaneity


Being unmotivated

Symptoms - Skin - Conditions  


Symptoms - Skin - General  

Dry skin

Counter Indicators
Symptoms - Skin - General  

Oily/moist skin

Symptoms - Sleep  

Unsound sleep


(Frequent) difficulty falling asleep

RELATED Autonomic Nervous System Balance (Positive)

Conditions that suggest Autonomic Nervous System Balance (Negative)



RELATED Autonomic Nervous System Balance (Balanced)

Risk factors for Autonomic Nervous System Balance (Negative)

Minor Symptoms  

Angular face

Counter Indicators
Minor Symptoms  

Round face

Symptoms - Allergy  

History of adult allergies

Symptoms - Glandular  

History of hypoglycemia

Symptoms - Skin - Conditions  

History of adolescent acne

RELATED Autonomic Nervous System Balance (Extreme Positive)


Strong or generally accepted link
Weakly counter-indicative
Strongly counter-indicative
RELATED Immune System Imbalance (TH2 Dominance)



Usually Parasympathetic nervous system: Portion of the autonomic nervous system that is generally associated with increasing digestion and intestinal muscle activity; decreasing blood circulation and respiration.

Nervous System

A system in the body that is comprised of the brain, spinal cord, nerves, ganglia and parts of the receptor organs that receive and interpret stimuli and transmit impulses to effector organs.


The chemical processes of living cells in which energy is produced in order to replace and repair tissues and maintain a healthy body. Responsible for the production of energy, biosynthesis of important substances, and degradation of various compounds.

Related Posts

  1. Autonomic Nervous System Balance (Extreme Negative)
  2. Autonomic Nervous System Balance (Positive)
  3. Autonomic Nervous System Balance (Balanced)
  4. Autonomic Nervous System Balance (Extreme Positive)
  5. Immune System Imbalance (TH2 Dominance)

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