Bentonite, also referred to as Montmorillonite, is one of the most effective and powerful healing clays used to treat both internal and external helath problems. Bentonite can be used externally as a clay poultice, mud pack or in the bathtub and, in skin care recipes. A good quality Bentonite should be a grey/cream color and anything bordering “pure white” is suspect. It has a very fine, velveteen feel and is odorless and non-staining.
Bentonite is very unusual in the fact that once it becomes hydrated, the electrical and molecular components of the clay rapidly change and produce an “electrical charge”. Its highest power lies in the ability to absorb toxins, impurities, heavy metals and other internal contaminants. Bentonite clay’s structure assists it in attracting and soaking up poisons on its exterior wall and then slowly draw them into the interior of the clay where it is held.
When it becomes mixed with water it rapidly swells open like a highly porous sponge. From here the toxins are drawn into the sponge through electrical attraction and once there, they are bound.
The best way to drink bentonite clay is on an empty stomach, at least an hour before or several hours after a meal or immediately before sleeping at night Typically, clay is available as a thick tasteless, pale-grey gel, but it also comes as a powder or encapsulated.
Generally, it is advisable to start with one tablespoon daily (adult portion), mixed with a a cup of water or juice; This can be continued for a week, then gradually increase the dose to no more than four tablespoons daily, in divided doses. Drinking clay is one way to ‘spring clean’ your GI tract.
Zeolites are naturally occurring crystalline aluminosilicate minerals that can be found in rock deposits throughout the world. They are formed by a process known as devitrification or crystallization of volcanic ash, a process that takes place over millions of years when lava remains in contact with fresh or salt water.
The word ‘zeolite’ itself is an amalgam of the two Greek words for ‘boiling stones’ because of the steam that is given off when these rock crystals are heated, due to their high water content. Zeolites have a molecular stacked-cage or honeycomb structure formed of silicon and aluminium oxides. As a result of the electronic configurations of the aluminium, silicon and oxygen that make up these tiny zeolite cages, each has an overall negative charge which means that they attract positively charged particles, in much the same way that a magnet attracts iron filings.
Although sold as a multilevel marketing product (a lot of salesmanship – hype), experience by patients needing detox has thus far been positive.
Bentonite Clay can help with the following

A medical study by Frederic Damrau, M.D., in 1961 (Medical Annals of the District of Columbia) established clearly that bentonite can end bouts of diarrhea. When 35 individuals (average age 51) suffering from diarrhea took two tablespoons of bentonite in distilled water daily, the diarrhea was relieved in 97% (34 of the 35 patients) in 3.8 days, regardless of the original cause of the problem (allergies, virus infection, spastic colitis, or food poisoning). According to Dr. Damrau, bentonite is “safe and highly effective” in treating acute diarrhea.

General Detoxification Requirement
The use of bentonite clay is an essential part of any good detoxification program.

Adult Acne
Bentonite masks may be helpful in drawing out toxins. These masks are usually left in place for 10 to 15 minutes, removed by rinsing or gentle rubbing with a soft wash cloth and applied three times per week.
![]() | May do some good |
![]() | Likely to help |
![]() | Highly recommended |
Soft mass prepared by moistening botanicals or other absorbent substances with oil or water, usually applied hot to the skin.
A hollow, muscular, J-shaped pouch located in the upper part of the abdomen to the left of the midline. The upper end (fundus) is large and dome-shaped; the area just below the fundus is called the body of the stomach. The fundus and the body are often referred to as the cardiac portion of the stomach. The lower (pyloric) portion curves downward and to the right and includes the antrum and the pylorus. The function of the stomach is to begin digestion by physically breaking down food received from the esophagus. The tissues of the stomach wall are composed of three types of muscle fibers: circular, longitudinal and oblique. These fibers create structural elasticity and contractibility, both of which are needed for digestion. The stomach mucosa contains cells which secrete hydrochloric acid and this in turn activates the other gastric enzymes pepsin and rennin. To protect itself from being destroyed by its own enzymes, the stomach’s mucous lining must constantly regenerate itself.
(Tbsp) Equivalent to 15cc (15ml).
Pertaining to the stomach, small and large intestines, colon, rectum, liver, pancreas, and gallbladder.
Plays a vital role in regulating many body functions. They act as catalysts in nerve response, muscle contraction and the metabolism of nutrients in foods. They regulate electrolyte balance and hormonal production, and they strengthen skeletal structures.
A non-essential mineral. Tissues such as arteries, tendons, skin, connective tissue, cornea and sclera (white of the eye) contain relatively large amounts of silicon. Collagen, the protein glue that holds us together, contains silicon in silanolate form. While vitamin C functions only as a catalyst in the formation of collagen, silicon is actually a structural part of collagen. Silicon containing substances are found in all cartilage and in the material binding cells together. Silicon may be needed for proper bone structure and growth.
An essential mineral. Prevents anemia: as a constituent of hemoglobin, transports oxygen throughout the body. Virtually all of the oxygen used by cells in the life process are brought to the cells by the hemoglobin of red blood cells. Iron is a small but most vital, component of the hemoglobin in 20,000 billion red blood cells, of which 115 million are formed every minute. Heme iron (from meat) is absorbed 10 times more readily than the ferrous or ferric form.