Diagnosis of Fibrocystic Breast Disease – Mammography, Ultrasound

A) Self examination: the woman is asked to regularly examine her own breasts to look for any new changes within them. She is specifically asked to watch out for new lumps or masses in her breasts. She has also to look for changes in the pre-existing lumpiness in her breasts. Any painful areas or those lumps within the breast that …

Causes and Types of Fibrocystic Breast Disease

Image via Wikipedia Fibrocystic disease of the breast (FBD) is a condition that is seen in a large percentage of women from ages 30 to 50, in which the breast becomes painful and lumpy, especially during menses. Other names that have been applied to FBD include mammary dysplasia, chronic cystic mastitis, diffuse cystic mastopathy, benign breast disease (a term that …