Prevent Nighttime Leg Cramps: Effective Bedtime Routine Strategies

Nighttime leg cramps can disrupt your sleep and leave you feeling sore for hours afterwards. These sudden contractions of the muscles in your legs are not only painful but can also be a significant nuisance. To tackle them effectively, it’s essential to understand that prevention can be as straightforward as adopting a simple bedtime routine. Establishing a routine that relaxes …

Prevent Nightime Leg Cramps With This Bedtime Routine

Image via Wikipedia Leg cramps are painful and sometimes scary since it can feel like your body is literally trying to rip its own muscles.  If you do enough research you will find that the cause of leg cramps is not precisely known.  The good news is that so many people are affected by this condition that practically everything has …

Leg Cramps and Menses

Leg cramps occur due to a wide variety of causes. One important cause is menstruation. During menses, women lose a significant amount of blood. This results in loss of iron (from hemoglobin) and other minerals like potassium and magnesium. During heavy or prolonged menses (polymenorrhoea), this loss is even greater. Depletion of these vital minerals causes increased irritability of the …

Leg Cramps and Diabetes

What is the relationship between diabetes and cramps in the lower limbs? Plenty! Diabetes is a condition caused by an increase in blood sugar (blood glucose). This results in increased urine output for the diabetic patient, also called polyuria in medical parlance. A substantial amount of electrolytes like sodium, potassium and magnesium are excreted in this increased urine loss. This …

Leg Cramps in Children

Like adults, children too tend to have leg cramps. These are also called “charley horses”, especially when the muscles spasm follows prolonged exercise. This term is derived from popular American slang for painful cramps in the lower limbs, usually involving the quadriceps and calf muscles. The Main Causes Children are usually very active and often do not know the limits …