Leg Cramps and Diabetes: Understanding the Connection and Management Strategies

Leg cramps can be a frequent and discomforting symptom if you are living with diabetes. These involuntary muscle contractions are often sharp and intense, typically striking without warning. For those with diabetes, these cramps are not uncommon due to the potential nerve damage—diabetic neuropathy—that can occur when high blood sugar levels persist over time. Managing your blood sugar levels is …

Leg Cramps and Menses

Leg cramps occur due to a wide variety of causes. One important cause is menstruation. During menses, women lose a significant amount of blood. This results in loss of iron (from hemoglobin) and other minerals like potassium and magnesium. During heavy or prolonged menses (polymenorrhoea), this loss is even greater. Depletion of these vital minerals causes increased irritability of the …