There are many different kinds of enzymes in the human body: enzymes are the catalysts for every biochemical process needed for life. Studies have shown that raw food is easier to digest and healthier than cooked food, because it still contains active enzymes, which are destroyed by the heat used in cooking foods. Usually secreted by the pancreas into the small intestine, digestive enzymes are those which help to breakdown the food we eat, continuing the digestive process which began in the stomach.
It is a misconception among some doctors that you do not need enzyme supplements because your body makes its own. While it is true that your body does produce digestive enzymes, if they are not in the right place at the right time then they will not do you much good. Furthermore, when stomach acid is low, the output of digestive enzymes may be reduced once the food reaches the small intestine. Some people need to take a good digestive enzyme along with their meals so that the food will be thoroughly digested/absorbed and their liver will get the nutrition it needs to produce other enzymes on its own.
Plant enzymes help food to be broken down and assimilated. When a body is functioning properly, food is digested into tiny particles that go into the blood and from there into cells. If one lacks any of the necessary digestive enzymes, this does not happen. Plant enzymes work well with your own natural pancreatic enzyme activity and some people need to eat right as well as take supplemental enzymes in order to experience improved health.
People who lack sugar-digesting enzymes may have problems such as diarrhea or asthma, while those who are deficient in protease, the protein-digesting enzyme, tend to be more anxious, toxic and have low blood sugar. They may also have edema (abnormally large amounts of fluid in the tissue) and suppressed immune systems.
Signs, symptoms & indicators of Digestive Enzyme Need

Digestive enzyme use helped
Counter Indicators

Not helped by digestivec enzyme use

Pale stools

Offensive stool

Meal-related bloating

General flatulence
Conditions that suggest Digestive Enzyme Need

Vitamin A Requirement
90% of all dietary retinol is in the form retinyl palmitate which requires action by pancreatic enzymes before it can be absorbed.

Risk factors for Digestive Enzyme Need

Digestive enzyme use

Pancreas mostly/pancreas completely removed

History of eczema
Digestive Enzyme Need suggests the following may be present

Digestive Enzyme Need can lead to

Recommendations for Digestive Enzyme Need

Bromelain has been used successfully as a digestive enzyme following pancreatectomy, in cases of pancreas insufficiency, and in other intestinal disorders. The combination of ox bile, pancreatin, and bromelain is effective in lowering stool fat excretion in patients with pancreatic insufficiency and resulting in a symptomatic improvement in pain, flatulence and stool frequency. [J Asso Phys Ind 1981;29: pp.207-209]

![]() | Weak or unproven link |
![]() | Strong or generally accepted link |
![]() | Proven definite or direct link |
![]() | Strongly counter-indicative |
![]() | May do some good |
![]() | Highly recommended |
Specific protein catalysts produced by the cells that are crucial in chemical reactions and in building up or synthesizing most compounds in the body. Each enzyme performs a specific function without itself being consumed. For example, the digestive enzyme amylase acts on carbohydrates in foods to break them down.
A hollow, muscular, J-shaped pouch located in the upper part of the abdomen to the left of the midline. The upper end (fundus) is large and dome-shaped; the area just below the fundus is called the body of the stomach. The fundus and the body are often referred to as the cardiac portion of the stomach. The lower (pyloric) portion curves downward and to the right and includes the antrum and the pylorus. The function of the stomach is to begin digestion by physically breaking down food received from the esophagus. The tissues of the stomach wall are composed of three types of muscle fibers: circular, longitudinal and oblique. These fibers create structural elasticity and contractibility, both of which are needed for digestion. The stomach mucosa contains cells which secrete hydrochloric acid and this in turn activates the other gastric enzymes pepsin and rennin. To protect itself from being destroyed by its own enzymes, the stomach’s mucous lining must constantly regenerate itself.
Excessive discharge of contents of bowel.
A lung disorder marked by attacks of breathing difficulty, wheezing, coughing, and thick mucus coming from the lungs. The episodes may be triggered by breathing foreign substances (allergens) or pollutants, infection, vigorous exercise, or emotional stress.
Abnormal accumulation of fluids within tissues resulting in swelling.