There are over 30 studies supporting naturopathic protocols for the treatment of otitis media.
Six double blind clinical trials, six other controlled studies and over twenty supportive studies including uncontrolled clinical trials and epidemiological or animal studies. Naturopathic treatment consists of screening for food and environmental sensitivities, correcting nutrient deficiencies, and increasing the patient’s resistance to disease through natural methods and simple supportive treatment.
Naturopathic practice assumes that several complimentary treatment methods, acting in concert, will be more effective than a singe method used alone. Treatment protocols are individualized. Naturopathic protocol includes the prescribing of antibiotic when appropriate. Some cases may be referred for surgical placement of tympanostomy tubes.
Conventional treatment does not affect the long term incidence or severity of ear infections, or have any long term cost benefit over no treatment at all. Long term antibiotic use is medically controversial. Studies indicate that children treated with antibiotics have a higher incidence of repeat ear infections when compared to children treated without antibiotics. The most common antibiotics are often associated with adverse toxic side effects, including diarrhea, vomiting, diaper rash. Bactrim, an antibiotic commonly used to treat ear infections in children, can produce over sixty kinds of side effects.
Signs, symptoms & indicators of Ear Infection, Middle

Having a slight/having a moderate/having a high fever
Risk factors for Ear Infection, Middle

History of infection behind ear drum
Ear Infection, Middle suggests the following may be present

Recommendations for Ear Infection, Middle

Microdose DNA
Microdose DNA was especially valuable in acute and chronic otitis media. Obstruction is often the pre-requisite of infection, so it should have come as no surprise to us that microdose DNA would also excel in otitis media. In clinical trials with over 100 infants and children with acute otitis media, what we found is that 80-90% of these children respond on microdose DNA.[Allan Lieberman, MD – Natural Microdose DNA AAEM Presentation, October 2004, Hilton Head, South Carolina]

Homeopathic Remedies / Vaccines
Aconitum napellus: This remedy is indicated if an earache comes on suddenly with cutting, throbbing pain. It may have begun after exposure to cold and wind, or after a shaking experience. The person may be fearful, agitated, and restless. Fever may be high, thirst strong, worse near midnight, and may wake the person up.
Belladonna: Intense bouts of earache that come and go very suddenly, with the presence of heat and inflammation. Pain can be pounding or throbbing, and may be worse from jarring. There is usually a fever, flushed red face, eyes that are sensitive to light, and skin that is hot to touch. The right ear is most often affected. A child may feel drowsy with the fever, or be restless and have nightmares.
Chamomilla: Periods of pain that seem intolerable. Children may seem angry, beside themselves, and may scream or hit. They may feel better from being carried constantly and vigorously walked around or rocked. Symptoms are worse from heat and wind, and the cheeks may be hot and red.
Ferrum phosphoricum: This remedy can help if given at the onset of symptoms. The person appears pink and flushed, with fever and a feeling of weariness.
Hepar sulphuris calcareum: This remedy is indicated when an earache is very painful or infection is advanced. Stabbing, sticking pains “like a splinter being driven in” are a likely indication. The person is very sensitive to everything, especially cold and drafts, and may feel vulnerable and touchy.
Magnesia phosphorica: May help when an earache feels better when warmth and pressure are applied. The pain may be present with little evidence of fluid or infection.
Mercurius solubilis: For advanced infections with pus formation, shooting pains, and roaring in the ear. The person is often sensitive to both hot and cold temperatures, has swollen lymph nodes, offensive breath, a puffy tongue, and experience sweating and drooling during sleeping.
Pulsatilla: Indicated for ear infections that follow or accompany a cold. The ear may be hot and swollen, with a feeling that something is pressing out. Pain can be worse in the evening and at night, as well as worse from heat, with a pulsing sensation. Deep itching may be felt inside, especially if infections are chronic. A child needing Pulsatilla usually is sad and tearful, wanting to be held and comforted.

![]() | Weak or unproven link |
![]() | Strong or generally accepted link |
![]() | May do some good |
![]() | Likely to help |
![]() | Highly recommended |
Medical practice using herbs and other various methods to produce a healthy body state by stimulating innate defenses without the use of drugs.
Otitis Media
A very common condition involving inflammation of the middle ear and can be classified as either acute otitis media (AOM), or otitis media with effusion (OME) which is a chronic disease. It most commonly affects infants and young children but can affect all age groups. Symptoms of AOM include earache, decreased hearing, fever, unsteadiness, and occasionally liquid discharge if the eardrum bursts. Symptoms of OME include decreased hearing, tinnitus and unsteadiness, but OME can be entirely without symptoms. Effusions (discharges) continue for several weeks after AOM; only 60% of ears with AOM are clear at 2 weeks and 80% are clear by 8 weeks.
Excessive discharge of contents of bowel.