Lipo-Oxidative Type (Positive)

You have a moderately positive (Catabolic) Lipo-Oxidative Type. This means an elevated ratio of fatty acids to sterols and increased cell wall permeability, according Emanual Revici, MD. A more balanced condition will be achieved by specific mineral recommendations included in this report.

RELATED Lipo-Oxidative Type (Extreme Positive)

Signs, symptoms & indicators of Lipo-Oxidative Type (Positive)

Lab Values - Common  

Low systolic blood pressure


Low diastolic blood pressure


Slowed pulse rate

Counter Indicators
Lab Values - Common  

Rapid pulse rate


High diastolic blood pressure


High systolic blood pressure

Symptoms - Bowel Movements  

(Very) frequent stools or normal stool frequency

Counter Indicators
Symptoms - Bowel Movements  

(Very/tendency to) infrequent stools

Symptoms - Sleep  

Being a light sleeper

Counter Indicators
Symptoms - Sleep  

Being a deep sleeper

Symptoms - Urinary  

Infrequent daytime urination

Counter Indicators
Symptoms - Urinary  

Frequent daytime urination

RELATED Lipo-Oxidative Type (Negative)

Conditions that suggest Lipo-Oxidative Type (Positive)


Counter Indicators

RELATED Lipo-Oxidative Type (Balanced)

Risk factors for Lipo-Oxidative Type (Positive)

Symptoms - Skeletal  

History of rheumatoid arthritis

RELATED Lipo-Oxidative Type (Extreme Negative)

Recommendations for Lipo-Oxidative Type (Positive)

Amino Acid / Protein  











RELATED Carbo-Oxidative Type (Positive)


Weak or unproven link
Weakly counter-indicative
May do some good
May have adverse consequences
RELATED Carbo-Oxidative Type (Extreme Positive)


Fatty Acids

Chemical chains of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms that are part of a fat (lipid) and are the major component of triglycerides. Depending on the number and arrangement of these atoms, fatty acids are classified as either saturated, polyunsaturated, or monounsaturated. They are nutritional substances found in nature which include cholesterol, prostaglandins, and stearic, palmitic, linoleic, linolenic, eicosapentanoic (EPA), and decohexanoic acids. Important nutritional lipids include lecithin, choline, gamma-linoleic acid, and inositol.


A large subgroup of steroids.


Plays a vital role in regulating many body functions. They act as catalysts in nerve response, muscle contraction and the metabolism of nutrients in foods. They regulate electrolyte balance and hormonal production, and they strengthen skeletal structures.

Related Posts

  1. Lipo-Oxidative Type (Extreme Positive)
  2. Lipo-Oxidative Type (Negative)
  3. Lipo-Oxidative Type (Balanced)
  4. Lipo-Oxidative Type (Extreme Negative)
  5. Carbo-Oxidative Type (Positive)

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