This condition manifests itself as an unwarranted tendency to interpret the actions of other people as deliberately threatening or demeaning. People with a paranoid personality disorder are suspicious of other people, and they are usually unable to acknowledge their own negative feelings towards others.
The causes and means of preventing this disorder are unknown, but the incidence appears increased in families with a schizophrenic member. Histories of paranoid behavior are common, and a psychological evaluation is needed to confirm the diagnosis.
Treatment is difficult because the person’s traits make it difficult to form a professional relationship. The health care provider should respect interpersonal distance, and avoid defensiveness or attempts at humor. Prognosis is poor; people with this disorder tend to resist treatment.
Signs, symptoms & indicators of Paranoia/Paranoid Personality Disorder

Low level of tolerance
Being unforgiving is a possible symptom of paranoid personality disorder.

Poor ability to relax
Counter Indicators

Good ability to relax

Impatient/hostile disposition
Argumentativeness and hostility are possible signs of paranoid personality disorder.

A suspicious nature
Symptoms of paranoid personality disorder include suspicion, concern with hidden motives and expecting to be exploited by others.

Being an antisocial person
The inability to collaborate with others and social isolation are possible symptoms of paranoid personality disorder.

Being detached from reality
Being detached can be a symptom of paranoid personality disorder.
Counter Indicators

Being a sociable person
The inability to collaborate with others and social isolation are possible symptoms of paranoid personality disorder.

A trusting nature
Symptoms of paranoid personality disorder include suspicion, concern with hidden motives and expecting to be exploited by others.
Conditions that suggest Paranoia/Paranoid Personality Disorder

Risk factors for Paranoia/Paranoid Personality Disorder

Schizophrenia in family members
The incidence of paranoid personality disorder appears increased in families with a schizophrenic member.

Pyroluria can cause hallucinations, delusions and paranoia.
Paranoia/Paranoid Personality Disorder can lead to

Recommendations for Paranoia/Paranoid Personality Disorder

![]() | Weak or unproven link |
![]() | Strong or generally accepted link |
![]() | Weakly counter-indicative |
![]() | Strongly counter-indicative |
![]() | Likely to help |
![]() | Highly recommended |
This condition is caused by an overproduction during hemoglobin synthesis of kryptopyrrole, which chemically combines with vitamin B6 and zinc, resulting in their excretion and a severe deficiency of both of these essential nutrients. Most pyroluric individuals never develop schizophrenia symptoms.
A false or distorted perception of objects or events, including sensations of sight, sound, taste, smell or touch, typically accompanied by a powerful belief in their reality.