Most people do not eat enough fruits and vegetables to reap the benefits that they offer. Although the National Cancer institute recommends five servings of vegetables and three of fruits each day, the truth is the average American eats only 1 1/2 servings of vegetables and, on average, no fruit on any given day. Juicing helps provide the solution to our fruit- and vegetable-deficient diets.
Juicing provides health benefits for several reasons:
- It is a source of raw food and live enzymes
- It is easily digested
- It often contains chlorophyll and special protective phytochemicals which prevent chronic degenerative disease
- It acts as a substitute for less healthy foods and drinks
- It increases water intake (most people drink too little)
- It can help in weight loss.
Most people do not consume enough raw food, yet a raw food diet leads to major improvements in health and while the reasons are not fully known, the experience is often unmistakable. Although modern commercial food processing results in convenience and cost savings, it does have a very real down side. Most nutritional doctors agree that people who regularly consume processed foods will pay for these seeming advantages, one way or another, sooner or later.
“I am convinced that this is one of the most powerful tools one can use to obtain high level vitality. All of us need raw foods every day, and this is an excellent technique to assure you receive large quantities of them. I see many seriously ill patients and I am always constantly amazed at how potent the vegetable juice is in restoring their health and energy levels.” Dr. Joseph Mercola, D.O.
Many of the phytochemicals that nutritional researchers are focusing their attention on are found in vegetables that are easily juiced. Fruit and vegetable juices are also good sources of traditional nutrients, and since juicing removes the indigestible fiber, these nutrients are available to the body in much larger quantities than from whole fruits or vegetables. It is best to mix at least some of the fiber in with the juice and consume it because fiber serves as fertilizer for the good bacteria in the colon and provides bulk, which in turn encourages regular bowel movements.
Fruit and vegetable juice also provides one more substance that is absolutely essential for good health – water. Most people simply do not consume enough each day and many of the liquids that we do drink – such as coffee, tea, soft drinks, alcoholic beverages and artificially-flavored drinks – contain substances (diuretics) that promote water excretion. Fresh fruit and vegetable juice are desirable substitutes for these types of drinks.
So far, the National Cancer Institute’s attempts to promote the health benefits of fruits and vegetables have only affected a small segment of society. As more and more is written about the long-term health benefits of fruits and vegetables and as increasing numbers of people learn about the possibility of preventing and curing cancer, heart disease and a host of other diseases by making dietary changes, the fruit and vegetables trend and the popularity of juicing will continue to grow.
A good source of information and motivation can be found at the Living-Foods website.
My very favorite site for insights and motivation for fasting, whether with water only or with juice, is FreedonYou – for all you are meant to be. There is lots there, as they freely share about this powerful experience. Please consider buying any of their books also, in preparation for the fast that is right for you.
The Master Cleanse (or Lemon Diet) has become popular for detoxification and weight loss. We do not recommend it for weight loss, but is useful as a form of fasting and cleansing. You can make an entire days worth of the drink with this recipe:
60 oz water per day
12 tablespoons Grade B Maple Syrup (the equivalent of 2T per glass)
12 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon / lime juice (2T per glass)
And, just over 1/2t (teaspoon) of cayenne pepper (1/10 t per glass).
Shake it up and drink throughout the day, using as much as you like.
Although it has drawn a lot of controversy, most of it is unfounded. The Master Cleanse is a great resource to help people get back on track with feeling better. Details of how to do this are readily available on the Internet. The book, The Master Cleanser, written in 1976 by Stanley Burroughs details this cleanse, but also contains extraneous philosophical material that is unnecessary to review.
Juices / Juicing can help with the following

Post Nasal Drip
People with postnasal drip may benefit from drinking apple or dark grape juice, says John Peterson, M.D. He suggests drinking one eight-ounce glass every day, preferably before a meal. If the juice seems too strong, it can be diluted with water, he says. Cranberry juice can also be helpful, he adds.

Ulcerative Colitis
Dave Wilkerson, President, World Challenge, author of ‘The Cross and the Switchblade’ and ‘The Vision’
“For the past 15 years I suffered from acute colitis, with constant pain and much bleeding. It drained me physically–I was always tired. A year ago I got desperate before the Lord, praying ‘Lord, I can’t minister to this huge congregation and keep all these ministries to the needy going unless You heal my bowels. I am at my wits end; I’m too weary to go on’. The Holy Spirit directed me to nutrition for healing. I always made fun of health nuts and all the claims being made for alternative health plans. The Holy Spirit taught me what to do: I got off sugar, I drink the juice of carrots and apples daily. I drink Aim’s Green Barley…..I have been completely healed! I have more energy than I had at thirty years of age, and I have never felt better in my life….”

Carrot juice and concentrated carrot oligosaccharides have been used in Europe for bacterial diarrhea for almost a century.

Hydrochloric Acid Deficiency
A juice fast gives the digestive tract a rest from its heavy responsibilities, and strengthens a digestive weakness.

General Detoxification Requirement
The benefits of consuming freshly-made vegetable juice make it an important part of most cleansing and detoxification programs.

Problem Caused By Being Overweight
Vegetable juicing increases not only the quantity of vegetables that you will eat, but also the absorption of their nutrients. Nutrient deficiency, a common problem with dieting, is thereby overcome. Fresh vegetable juice also helps lower calorie consumption because it reduces or replaces other foods that you might have eaten instead. Juicing helps normalize weight, sometimes without a forced reduction in calorie consumption. Juicing also promotes a feeling of being energized. It is as though energy would rather be burned than converted to fat.

Increased Risk of Prostate Cancer
In men with recurrent prostate cancer, drinking 8 ounces per day of pomegranate juice significantly increases the time it takes for an increase in levels of prostate specific antigen (PSA), an indicator of prostate cancer. Before the men in the study began consuming pomegranate juice, the average PSA doubling time, a measure of tumor activity, was 15 months. The average time after treatment was 37 months. So, there was almost a 2-year increase in the doubling time.
Pomegranate juice contains a number of antioxidants thought to have anti-cancer effects, Pomegranate juice contains estrogen-like plant substances called phytoestrogens that could be useful in combating prostate cancer. Pomegranate juice therapy was well tolerated and no serious adverse effects were reported. In addition to the beneficial increase in PSA doubling time, in vitro testing showed decreased cancer cell division and proliferation and increased cancer cell death. Urine testing confirmed the presence of pomegranate antioxidants in all men. The study was funded by the Stewart and Lynda Resnick Trust, which own the POM Wonderful pomegranate juice company.

Prostate Cancer
In men with recurrent prostate cancer, drinking 8 ounces per day of pomegranate juice significantly increases the time it takes for an increase in levels of prostate specific antigen (PSA), an indicator of prostate cancer. Before the men in the study began consuming pomegranate juice, the average PSA doubling time, a measure of tumor activity, was 15 months. The average time after treatment was 37 months. So, there was almost a 2-year increase in the doubling time.
Pomegranate juice contains a number of antioxidants thought to have anti-cancer effects, Pomegranate juice contains estrogen-like plant substances called phytoestrogens that could be useful in combating prostate cancer. Pomegranate juice therapy was well tolerated and no serious adverse effects were reported. In addition to the beneficial increase in PSA doubling time, in vitro testing showed decreased cancer cell division and proliferation and increased cancer cell death. Urine testing confirmed the presence of pomegranate antioxidants in all men. The study was funded by the Stewart and Lynda Resnick Trust, which own the POM Wonderful pomegranate juice company.
![]() | May do some good |
![]() | Likely to help |
![]() | Highly recommended |
Refers to the various types of malignant neoplasms that contain cells growing out of control and invading adjacent tissues, which may metastasize to distant tissues.
Specific protein catalysts produced by the cells that are crucial in chemical reactions and in building up or synthesizing most compounds in the body. Each enzyme performs a specific function without itself being consumed. For example, the digestive enzyme amylase acts on carbohydrates in foods to break them down.
Substances that occur naturally in plants and have been shown in research to possibly prevent or cure disease.
Usually Chronic illness: Illness extending over a long period of time.
Microscopic germs. Some bacteria are "harmful" and can cause disease, while other "friendly" bacteria protect the body from harmful invading organisms.
The part of the large intestine that extends to the rectum. The colon takes the contents of the small intestine, moving them to the rectum by contracting.
An agent increasing urine flow, causing the kidneys to excrete more than the usual amount of sodium, potassium and water.
Ounce. Approximately 28 grams.
(Tbsp) Equivalent to 15cc (15ml).
(tsp) Equivalent to 5cc (5ml).