Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC), accounting for about 75% of all skin cancers, usually arises on sun-exposed surfaces such as the nose, temple, or upper lip as a minute plaque or nodule. Although BCC is slow-growing and never metastasizes, it can be very aggressive, invading vital organs and causing significant disfigurement. Almost 100% are curable, even in relatively advanced stages, with surgery and/or radiation therapy.
Because UV Exposure is the single most important risk factor for skin cancer, sun protection is the best way to decrease the risk. Other suggestions include:
Wear protective clothing, including a hat with 3 inch brim (Not a baseball-type cap!)
Avoid exposure when the Sun’s rays are most intense, especially between 10am and 3pm
Use Sunscreens and Sunblocks, at least SPF 15
Protect infants and children from overexposure and especially sunburn – it is estimated that lifetime risk of skin cancer could be reduced 80% with proper sun protection in childhood.
Basal Cell Cancer suggests the following may be present

Basal Cell Cancer can lead to

Recommendations for Basal Cell Cancer

In 1974 Dr. Danopoulos published a paper on the use of urea in the treatment of basal cell and squamous cell skin cancers. Initially he injected 2 to 6 ml of a 10-percent urea solution around the tumor site every other day. After about two years of experimentation he discovered that applying sterilized urea powder directly to the surface of ulcerating tumors, following the injections, increased the beneficial effects.

Reading List
The Eggplant Cancer Cure – A Treatment for Skin Cancer and New Hope for Other Cancers From Natures Pharmacy by Dr. Bill E. Cham, Ph.D.
Treatment with an eggplant extract, discussed in this book, and elsewhere on the Internet, has proven highly effective in curing skin cancers other than melanomas. More information can be found at his web site.
Curaderm BEC5 Cream is the revolutionary skin cancer treatment which is becoming the topic of discussion in health food stores, doctor’s offices and at the dinner table. BEC5 comes from a plant substance called solsaodine glycosides found in Nightshade plants such as eggplant. With more than 25 years of research, Dr. Cham claims a more than 95% success rate in treating and removing these forms of non-melanoma skin carcinoma without damage to the surrounding tissue. The cream has not proven to be effective in treating melanoma. Further studies with other extracts (BEC and BEC2) have shown a 100% success rate.

Surgery is often used as a treatment for skin cancer. There are several types of surgery depending on the stage and location of cancer.
Radiation Therapy is treatment with high-energy rays (such as x-rays) to kill or shrink cancer cells. The radiation may come from outside the body (external beam radiation) or from radioactive materials placed directly in the tumor (internal or implant radiation).
Photodynamic Therapy is a two-step procedure that is done on an outpatient basis. You will be injected with a light-activated drug, which targets cancerous cells. Approximately 24-48 hours later, a laser light is directed through a scope onto tumor cells, exposing the cancerous tissue to a certain spectrum of light. The light “switches on” the drug, destroying the cancerous cells without damaging your surrounding healthy tissue.
Topical Chemotherapy is when medication is placed directly onto the skin rather than being given by mouth or injected into a vein.
![]() | Weak or unproven link |
![]() | Strongly counter-indicative |
![]() | May do some good |
![]() | Highly recommended |
Malignant growth of epithelial cells tending to infiltrate the surrounding tissue and giving rise to metastasis.
Basal Cell Carcinoma.
Refers to the various types of malignant neoplasms that contain cells growing out of control and invading adjacent tissues, which may metastasize to distant tissues.