Toxicity is of much greater concern in the twentieth century than ever before. There are many, many chemicals that we are exposed to which did not exist until recently. The air, soil and water are becoming increasingly polluted with them. This exposure, along with the common use of drugs, eating devitalized/refined foods, failing to exercise or drink enough water has resulted in a toxic storehouse within us creating a wide range of symptoms and disease.
Toxicity is encountered from internal sources as well. Our bodies produce toxins in the process of carrying out normal everyday functions. These substances need to be neutralized and/or eliminated. When they are not, irritation and inflammation of cells and tissues results, blocking normal functioning. Also, bacteria of all kinds produce metabolic waste products that we must process. While a normally-functioning body was created to handle some toxicity, we have overwhelmed this capacity by both excessive exposure and poor habits.
Many of the antioxidant nutrients found in a healthful diet neutralize free radical molecules. The liver helps transform many toxic substances into harmless agents, dumping them via bile into the intestines for passage out of the body. The blood stream carries wastes to the kidneys for removal. We also clear toxins through sweating, from exercise or heat. Our sinuses, skin and lungs are also accessory elimination organs whereby toxins can be released. All of these processes can be enhanced to help reduce this toxic burden.
More than ever, inexpensive, readily available means are at our disposal to reduce the increasing level of exposure we face and to safely eliminate existing toxins. Why not do something about it now before health problems become worse?
Caution is advised when considering detoxification products. For example, it turns out Kinoki foot pads being advertised as effective toxin removers are worthless. . The brown ‘deposits’ also developed when the pad was simply exposed to warm moisture.
Signs, symptoms & indicators of General Detoxification Requirement

Being benefited by/no benefit from juice/water fasts

Positive results from coffee enemas
Counter Indicators

Coffee enemas do not help

Excess/using medication for allergy/ mucous

Constant fatigue

A 'foggy' mind

Trouble concentrating

Tender muscles

Diminished perspiration

Strong-smelling urine
Counter Indicators

Absence of urine odor
Conditions that suggest General Detoxification Requirement

Chronic exposure to a variety of chemicals can result in autoimmune disease in animal and human models. Systemic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, eosinophilia myalgia syndrome, Raynaud’s syndrome and dermatomyositis are some of the autoimmune illnesses related to xenobiotics. [ Toxicology, 1997; pp.119:1-21] As with all autoimmune disorders, detoxification is usually helpful.

Aromatase is the enzyme that converts androgen to estrogen. Aromatase is an important target of some environmental chemicals. Some of these compounds inhibit aromatase activity, resulting in a decrease in the level of estrogen or an increase in the level of androgen in cells. Environmental chemicals can also modify the expression of aromatase in various tissues, resulting in a change in the ratio between androgen to estrogen. The compounds that inhibit aromatase or suppress aromatase expression will behave as antiestrogens or androgen-like compounds in vivo. On the other hand, compounds that increase aromatase expression or enhance aromatase activity (or stability) may function as anti-androgens or estrogen-like compounds.

Body Odor
Cases of severe body odor have been resolved with water fasting and a healthier diet.One such case is described in an older book, The Miracle of Fasting by Paul Bragg.

Nasal congestion

Female Infertility
Many cases have been reported by fasting centers where couples who had been childless for many years, due to infertility, were able to concieve after a few therapeutic fasts combined with colon cleansing.
Risk factors for General Detoxification Requirement

Fasting within the last 3 months or fasting recently

(Past) LSD use

(History of/high) solvent exposure

History of herbicide exposure
General Detoxification Requirement suggests the following may be present

General Detoxification Requirement can lead to

Chronic exposure to a variety of chemicals can result in autoimmune disease in animal and human models. Systemic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, eosinophilia myalgia syndrome, Raynaud’s syndrome and dermatomyositis are some of the autoimmune illnesses related to xenobiotics. [ Toxicology, 1997; pp.119:1-21] As with all autoimmune disorders, detoxification is usually helpful.

Female Infertility
Many cases have been reported by fasting centers where couples who had been childless for many years, due to infertility, were able to concieve after a few therapeutic fasts combined with colon cleansing.
Recommendations for General Detoxification Requirement

Herbal Combinations
One program which has produced remarkable results in some of those who have tried it is described in a book called Cleanse Thyself Program Guide associated with Richard Anderson, NMD, who wrote Cleanse & Purify Thyself. The program of herbs and colon cleansing can be very effective in removing mucoid plaque, if present. The products needed to perform this cleanse can be ordered from many websites including the Arise and Shine home page.

In a groundbreaking experiment Dr. Heinicke demonstrated that tetrodotoxin is accepted by the body only when Xeronine was missing. He did this by taking 30 laboratory mice and dividing them into 3 groups of 10 each. He gave an injection of the tetrodotoxin to one group and they all immediately died. Next he gave an injection of an equivalent amount of xeronine to the second group and they all lived. Finally he mixed together the amounts of tetrodotoxin and xeronine he had used with the other 2 groups of mice and injected the third group of mice.
Not only did all 10 of these mice live, but unlike mice would normally do who have received an intestinal injection, they did not curl up in the wood shavings to recover when placed back in their cages. Instead these mice were by appearnace healthy (alert, energetic, curious and active). Yet these mice had just received a lethal dose of the most powerful neurotoxin known to man. This experiment showed that xeronine (made from precursors found in noni) can be an important agent in preventing harm from neurotoxic substances and promoting health.

In a animal study, neem increased production of glutathione-s-transferase, improving the livers ability to detoxify itself of chemical contamination. If someone appears to have toxic accumulations but is quite debilitated, neem is used cautiously as it has a depleting effect on tissues.

Bentonite Clay
The use of bentonite clay is an essential part of any good detoxification program.

Therapeutic Fasting
Remember, that during a water or juice fast, it is important to keep your colon clean. This can be accomplished by consuming homemade ‘shakes’ with psyllium seed husks and bentonite clay several times a day and/or doing enemas during this time. Keeping the colon clean helps in the detoxification process. Fiber and bentonite clay tend to hold onto toxins and carry them out of the body.

Juices / Juicing
The benefits of consuming freshly-made vegetable juice make it an important part of most cleansing and detoxification programs.

High/Increased Protein Diet
See the link between Heavy Metal Toxicity and Increased / High Protein Diet. A low carbohydrate diet is recommended.

Grain-free / Low Starch Diet
See the link between Heavy Metal Toxicity and Increased / High Protein Diet.

Low Fat Diet
Restriction of dietary fat may impair biliary flow which would be contraindicated in attempting to clear toxicity as bile is important to cleansing the body and getting biotoxins and heavy metals excreted into the fecal matter from the liver.

Colon Cleansing
Colonics or enemas, especially coffee enemas, are a routine part of many detoxification programs because they reduce the amount of toxic material found in the large intestine. Many of these compounds find their way into the general circulation, contributing to fatigue, foggy thinking and further burdening the liver.

Reading List
Fasting and Eating for Health, A Medical Doctor’s Program For Conquering Disease. by Joel Fuhrman, MD. 1995.
For a great resource on the raw food diet try Living on Live Food by Alissa Cohen.
See also our page on .The Grape Cure. This is a much older book by Johanna Brandt, ND, but many have found it a very helpful way to detoxify.
The Detox Book: How to Detoxify Your Body to Improve Your Health, Stop Disease, and Reverse Aging, 2nd Edition in paperback by Bruce Fife. Very well received other than this comment: If you are a carnivore, and you can look past the author’s anti-meat campaign, as well as many of the completely unrealistic suggestions on eating/living toxin free (e.g. no water from plastic, no food from cans), the rest of the book should be very interesting and helpful.
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![]() | Strongly counter-indicative |
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Microscopic germs. Some bacteria are "harmful" and can cause disease, while other "friendly" bacteria protect the body from harmful invading organisms.
The chemical processes of living cells in which energy is produced in order to replace and repair tissues and maintain a healthy body. Responsible for the production of energy, biosynthesis of important substances, and degradation of various compounds.
A chemical compound that slows or prevents oxygen from reacting with other compounds. Some antioxidants have been shown to have cancer-protecting potential because they neutralize free radicals. Examples include vitamins C and E, alpha lipoic acid, beta carotene, the minerals selenium, zinc, and germanium, superoxide dismutase (SOD), coenzyme Q10, catalase, and some amino acids, like cystiene. Other nutrient sources include grape seed extract, curcumin, gingko, green tea, olive leaf, policosanol and pycnogenol.
Free Radical
A free radical is an atom or group of atoms that has at least one unpaired electron. Because another element can easily pick up this free electron and cause a chemical reaction, these free radicals can effect dramatic and destructive changes in the body. Free radicals are activated in heated and rancid oils and by radiation in the atmosphere, among other things.
A bitter, yellow-green secretion of the liver. Bile is stored in the gallbladder and is released when fat enters the first part of the small intestine (duodenum) in order to aid digestion.
Usually Chronic illness: Illness extending over a long period of time.
Autoimmune Disease
One of a large group of diseases in which the immune system turns against the body's own cells, tissues and organs, leading to chronic and often deadly conditions. Examples include multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus, Bright's disease and diabetes.
Diffuse muscle pain.
Raynaud's Phenomenon
Raynaud's disease or syndrome is a disorder of blood circulation, mainly in the fingers and toes. It is of unknown cause and characterized by changes of the skin that are aggravated by exposure to cold: first, becoming white with numbness and pain as a result of inadequate oxygenation of the blood, then red/purple with a burning sensation. The sudden constriction of blood vessels causes decreased blood flow to the extremities and can, in extreme cases, lead to gangrene. Also called "white finger", "wax finger" or "dead finger".
A diffuse connective tissue disease.
Specific protein catalysts produced by the cells that are crucial in chemical reactions and in building up or synthesizing most compounds in the body. Each enzyme performs a specific function without itself being consumed. For example, the digestive enzyme amylase acts on carbohydrates in foods to break them down.
Any steroid hormone that increases male characteristics.
One of the female sex hormones produced by the ovaries.
The part of the large intestine that extends to the rectum. The colon takes the contents of the small intestine, moving them to the rectum by contracting.