As anyone who has ever been on a diet knows, diets don’t last for ever, and once you stop, the weight usually returns. There are many books written and Internet sites on the subject of diet and dieting to help you develop new habits that you can live with. This is important to prevent the “yoyo” effect of losing and regaining weight. A change in attitude toward food and lifestyle adjustments are usually needed to achieve permanent success regarding calorie reduction.
As we get older, and tend to be less active we need less food to live on. Although old habits die hard and our eating patterns are pretty well set by the time we reach adulthood, change can be fun and rewarding.
The April 2007 issue of Mayo Clinic Health Letter offers these tricks for eating less:
– Select smaller bowls, plates and spoons for serving and eating. Research has shown that people eat more when food is served in or eaten from larger dishes.
– Get rid of high-calorie leftovers; store them in inconvenient locations or in opaque containers. — Seeing a calorie-laden goody can trigger the desire to eat. Food in the basement pantry is less tempting than leftovers on the kitchen counter. Weight loss is easier when healthy, low-calorie foods are within sight and easy reach.
– Buy small packages and serve or order small quantities (even though buying in bulk can save dollars). Larger packages or larger portions often lead people to eat more than they would if the serving or package were smaller. After serving appropriate portions, put leftovers away immediately or, at a minimum, keep the serving dishes off the dining table.
Don’t forget to take more time with each mouthful. Chew each bite more thoroughly.
Don’t put more on your plate than you know you can and should be eating. You can always go back for seconds if you must. Remember, you are in charge, not your body. If your appetites control you, then there is a deeper problem going on that should be addressed.
Aids to eating less come also in the form of drugs / products which reduce appetite or keep you feeling full longer. The use of Irvingia Gabonensis (African Mango) has demonstrated this action as well as providing additional benefits.
Reduced Calorie Consumption can help with the following

High glycemic index foods are linked to overeating and obesity. Eating low glycemic index foods results in naturally desiring less calories and encourages weight loss. A sample list of these foods can be found on our web site.

Heartburn / GERD
People who suffer from gastroesophogeal reflux disease (GERD) are often warned against fatty food, which is thought to exacerbate heartburn symptoms. After a review of several studies on the subject, an Italian researcher has concluded that too many calories, not too much fat, is the reason why certain meals upset the stomach. [European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2000;12: pp.1343-1345 ]

Low HGH (Human Growth Hormone)
Studies have shown that fasting prior to sleep can heighten sleep-related growth hormone output. And, based on all the evidence in both the sleeping and waking state, eating carbs before going to bed is hormonally unwise and may diminish, if not nullify, nocturnal growth hormone release. So, to enhance growth hormone output, don’t eat carbohydrates within 90 minutes of going to bed.

The old adage of drinking plenty of fluids, restricting food intake and getting plenty of rest often helps the immune system overcome a sore throat.

Chronic Inflammation
One of the most dangerous inflammatory cytokines that increases in the aged is interleukin-6 (IL-6). One of the benefits of caloric restriction is a marked reduction in IL-6 levels. Caloric restriction is considered the best-documented method to significantly slow aging, and reduced inflammation contributes to this effect.

![]() | May do some good |
![]() | Likely to help |
![]() | Highly recommended |