Reading List can help with the following

Addictions / Addictive Tendencies
Genetic research has uncovered that some people are predisposed to addiction in general, but not to a specific type. In other words, addiction is a disorder that manifests itself in many different ways.
Overcoming Addiction: Paths Toward Recovery is available for $18 from Harvard Health Publications, the publishing division of Harvard Medical School.
The following steps are discussed in the book.
1. Seek help. Although people can recover from addiction on their own, others need advice and support from professionals, peers, or both. Your own doctor, a community mental health center, or a local substance abuse treatment center are good places to start.
2. Set a quit date. It might be helpful to choose a meaningful date like a special event, birthday, or anniversary.
3. Change your environment. Remove any reminders of your addiction from your home and workplace. For example, separate from those who would encourage you to be involved with the substance or behavior. If you are trying to quit drinking, get rid of any alcohol, bottle openers, wine glasses, and corkscrews. If you’re trying to quit gambling, remove reminders of your gambling, such as playing cards, scratch tickets, or poker chips. Also, don’t let other people use or bring reminders of the substance or behavior into your home.
4. Learn new skills and activities. Instead of giving in to an urge to use, come up with alternative activities, such as going for a walk, to keep you busy until the urge passes. Be prepared to deal with things that trigger your cravings, such as being in an environment where others are using.
5. Review your past attempts at quitting. Think about what worked and what did not. Think of what might have contributed to relapse and change accordingly.
6. Create a support network. Talk to your family, friends, and co-workers and ask for their encouragement and support. Also, consider talking to your health care provider about the method of quitting that is best for you. There may be medications that can ease the process for you, and increase your chances of success.

Alcoholism Recovery
Bishop David G. Evans’ book begins where most books end. Many authors have insights into how we can modify our behaviors or how we can manage our emotions, but Healed Without Scars explores the WHY behind our behaviors and emotions. Too often I have found myself treating symptoms only to find myself always having a new set of defeating circumstances to deal with in my life. Healed Without Scars goes beyond the surface aspects of life and helps the reader explore the depths of the human soul, all to bring about freedom.
Bishop Evans offers hope on every page, while taking the journey with the reader towards personal wholeness. There is no way to read this book and not have the tools needed to be healed and free. Bishop Evans balances his personal experiences with his brilliant handle on the Word of God and delivers the Truth on a level that Christian and Non-Christian alike can understand. He explores topics such as the child-father relationship, the importance of faith and praise during the hard times, and the power of forgiveness. Whether you have had issues with abuse, betrayal, addiction, or just everyday pain from life, this book will give you the answers to all of your questions, AND will position you for your healing.

Environmental Illness / MCS
TIRED OR TOXIC? Is a 400 page book, and the first book that describes the mechanism, diagnosis and treatment of chemical sensitivity, complete with scientific references. It is written for the layman and physician alike and explains the many vitamin, mineral, essential fatty acid and amino acid analysis that may help people detoxify everyday chemicals more efficiently, and hence, get rid of baffling symptoms. Sherry Rogers, MD has written several important books on this subject, any of them being an important read for someone experiencing environmental illness.

Allergic Rhinitis / Hay Fever
In an open-labeled study, allergic rhinitis and sinusitis patients were followed over a period of 12 weeks and the degree of allergic responses showed significant changes accompanied by clinical improvement and symptomatic relief of patients. Markers of efficacy included decrease in serum IgE levels, decrease in the TH2 cell activity, less turbinate hypertrophy and rhinonorea, etc.. [Abstract in Proc. 26th Annu Cong Physiol. Soc. S. Afr. (1998) [Abstract 178]]

Multiple Sclerosis / Risk
The Multiple Sclerosis Diet Book by Roy Swank and Barbara Dugan is a classic regarding the dietary treatment of Multiple Sclerosis. The revised version describes the history, symptoms, and treatment of multiple sclerosis, and contains many new recipes for a low-fat diet that is designed to alleviate the progressive effects of MS.
Also see the link between MS and Reading list for information about The Promise Of Low Dose Naltrexone Therapy: Potential Benefits in Cancer, Autoimmune, Neurological and Infectious Disorders. By Elaine Moore, co-author SammyJo Wilkinson Foreword by Dr. Yash Agrawal, MD, PhD.

Gluten Sensitivity / Celiac Disease
The Book of Gluten
The Book of Gluten by Stephen Gislason, MD describes how eating cereal grains can cause a spectrum of illness from ambiguous, relatively mild digestive symptoms to more destructive and even life-threatening disease.
Who Should Read This Book?
*Everyone who has experienced symptoms after eating any food containing wheat, rye, oats, and/or barley should read this book.
*Everyone with undiagnosed illness that involves digestive symptoms, aching, fatigue or anemia should read this book.
*Everyone with celiac disease should read this book.
*The relatives and friends of celiacs should read this book.
*Everyone who treats people with celiac disease should read this book.
*Everyone with autoimmune disease should read this book.
*Everyone with depression and other symptoms of brain dysfunction should read this book.

Diabetes Type I
If you are considering insulin, beginning insulin, or have been on it for years but want to improve your control, the answers to your questions are finally here. This book by the authors of Pumping Insulin provides all the information you need to succeed on insulin.
Using Insulin – Everything You Need For Success With Insulin is by John Walsh PA CDE, Ruth Roberts MA, Chandrasekhar Varma MD FACE FACP, and Timothy Bailey MD FACE FACP
Gene Therapy Cures Diabetes in Dogs February 14, 2013
Researchers at the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB) have succeeded in completely curing type 1 diabetes in dogs with a single session of gene therapy by introducing a “glucose sensor” into muscle. This is the first time the disease has been cured in large animals, a fundamental step towards applying the therapy in humans. The dogs recovered their health and no longer show symptoms of the disease. In some cases, monitoring continued for over four years, with no recurrence of symptoms. – Kurzweil A.I.

Crohn's Disease
Please see the link between Crohn’s and LDN.

Autoimmune Tendency
The Promise Of Low Dose Naltrexone Therapy: Potential Benefits in Cancer, Autoimmune, Neurological and Infectious Disorders. By Elaine Moore, co-author SammyJo Wilkinson Foreword by Dr. Yash Agrawal, MD, PhD.
The book is highly recommended for other health care practitioners who wish to get quickly up to speed in this new area of medicine which is destined to become the medical paradigm of the 21st century, casting a giant shadow over the rest of mainstream medicine.[ Comments on the LDN book by Jeffrey Dach MD]

Ulcerative Colitis
Breaking the Vicious Cycle by Elaine Gottschall is a practical book that addresses the problems of intestinal conditions, including indigestion, a “nervous stomach”, chronic diarrhea or spastic colon, to the more serious and debilitating problems such as Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn’s disease, Diverticulitis, Celiac Disease and Cystic Fibrosis. Breaking the Vicious Cycle provides an alternative way to help combat digestive disorders using dietary changes.

Poor/Slow Wound Healing
Please see the link between Slow Wound Healing and Reading List.

We recommend that you read Your Body’s Many Cries for Water by Dr. Batmanghelidj, MD. It may be available from your local library. If purchased, you may be able to help others you think of while reading it!
“In my professional and scientific view, it is dehydration that is the biggest killer, more than any other condition you could imagine. The different aspects and ‘chemical idiosyncrasies’ of each individual’s body reaction to the same pattern of dehydration have received different professional labels and have been treated differently and ineffectively.” Dr. Batmanghelidj, MD.

IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
The IBS Low-Starch Diet: Why Starchy Food May Be Hazardous to Your Health by Carol Sinclair (2007). Her diet shows that a gradual reduction of starch can dramatically reduce pain in days, often to a point where drug usage is reduced and—in some cases—eliminated completely. Details of the discovery—along with case histories and a practical guide—are provided along with 200 delicious starch- and gluten-free recipes and a comprehensive guide to eating out.
Dr. Mark Pimentel believes that the “missing link,” or root cause of most IBS symptoms can be attributed to an overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine. A New IBS Solution takes you through the historical evolution of conventional medicine’s views on IBS in a way that can be easily understood. In addition, Dr. Pimentel presents a simple treatment protocol that will not only help you resolve your IBS symptoms, but will also prevent their recurrence.
Another book, Breaking the Vicious Cycle by Elaine Gottschall contains The Specific Carbohydrate Diet™ which has proven to be highly successful for many who suffer from various bowel disorders as well as the many related problems which actually stem from imbalances in the intestinal tract.

Virginia Sturm has put together an e-book which has helped many overcome this chronic problem. Click here to learn more about this book and read comments from those who have been helped.

Dyspepsia / Poor Digestion
The Maker’s Diet by Dr. Jordan Rubin, NMD.
FreedomYou is a website which talks about the benefits of water and juice fasting. There are several books written by the husband/wife team which will help make this powerful healing practice become a reality for anyone in need of rejuvenation.

Fungus / Mycotoxin Exposure
Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker is a recognized leader in patient care and research, having appeared on a variety of national TV shows, such as Good Morning America, NBC News, CBS News, and CNN.
His website, is a great resource for medical practitioners and patients alike. Dr. Shoemaker has also authored eight books. His most recent book, Surviving Mold, details his cutting-edge research into the acute and chronic effects of bitoxins. It also examines the root causes of dangerous mold growth in homes and buildings.

General Detoxification Requirement
Fasting and Eating for Health, A Medical Doctor’s Program For Conquering Disease. by Joel Fuhrman, MD. 1995.
For a great resource on the raw food diet try Living on Live Food by Alissa Cohen.
See also our page on .The Grape Cure. This is a much older book by Johanna Brandt, ND, but many have found it a very helpful way to detoxify.
The Detox Book: How to Detoxify Your Body to Improve Your Health, Stop Disease, and Reverse Aging, 2nd Edition in paperback by Bruce Fife. Very well received other than this comment: If you are a carnivore, and you can look past the author’s anti-meat campaign, as well as many of the completely unrealistic suggestions on eating/living toxin free (e.g. no water from plastic, no food from cans), the rest of the book should be very interesting and helpful.

Low Testosterone Level
The Testosterone Syndrome by Dr. Eugene Shippen and William Fryer. In this inexpensive paperback, they successfully demonstrate that testosterone replacement has made significant improvements in the symptoms of male menopause, and they discuss the role of testosterone in men’s overall health.

A good resource be Dr. Kenneth Blanchard’s book, What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Hypothyroidism published in January, 2004. He specifically discusses SAD and it’s relationship to thyroid reserves, as well as the use of T3 and Armour thyroid.
Wilson’s Syndrome, The Miracle of Feeling Well. is an older book and somewhat controversial although many doctors are using variations of his therapeutic approach. This book contains much useful information and many testimonials of people helped by using T3 therapy.

Night Eating Syndrome
Overcoming Night Eating Syndrome: A Step-by-Step Guide to Breaking the Cycle by Dr Kelly C. Allison, Dr. Albert J. Stunkard and Sara L. Their.

Low Estrogen Levels
Actress and author Suzanne Somers has written a book, The Sexy Years: Discover the Hormone Connection, on how to not only survive but also prosper from the changes of middle age that affect both women and men. It provides many details on how to recognize the source of the problem and what you can do about it.

Low Adrenal Function / Adrenal Insufficiency
In a pioneering book, The Safe Uses of Cortisol Dr. Jefferies, with 1,000 patient years of experience using cortisone therapy, explains the sources of confusion about cortisone, the significance of normal adrenocortical function and accepted uses of physiological dosages. Then he goes on to discuss using cortisone in gonadal dysfunction, rheumatic disorders, allergies and other autoimmune disorders. He closes with chapters on respiratory infections and other conditions that could benefit from physiological dosages of glucocorticoids. There may be subsequent books available at less cost, but this book was historic for me.
Adrenal Fatigue: the 21st Century Stress Syndrome by Dr. James Wilson, is a self-help lifesaver for everyone who suffers from adrenal fatigue. Adrenal Fatigue is also related to several other chronic health conditions including: frequent infections, chemical sensitivities, allergies, autoimmune diseases, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, menopause, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, chronic fatigue syndrome, PMS, difficult menopause, loss of libido, chronic anxiety, and mild depression.

Weakened Immune System
The Maker’s Diet by Dr. Jordan Rubin, NMD.

Chronic Fatigue / Fibromyalgia Syndrome
The Maker’s Diet by Dr. Jordan Rubin, NMD.

Yeast / Candida
Reading a book such as Dr. Crook’s The Yeast Connection can be helpful in understanding the condition, as can spending time on The Yeast Connection website

Lyme Disease
Beating Lyme Disease: Using Alternative Medicine and God-Designed Living by David A. and Sara Koch Jernigan
(January 2004) is a book that takes you far beyond its title. It is written in such understandable language that even beginners can grasp its dynamics quickly and easily. Doctors should also consider this book a must read. If you are searching for alternative methods to treating physical illness, of cleansing your body of toxins and damaging bacteria, then “Beating Lyme Disease” is a book you will treasure.
See also Lyme Testing regarding the book THE LYME DISEASE SOLUTION by Ken Singleton, M.D.

Chronic Inflammation
The Maker’s Diet by Jordan Rubin.

Elevated Total Cholesterol
There is an E-Book available called The Great Cholesterol Lie. In it, Dr. Dwight Lundell, MD, a cardiovascular and
thoracic surgeon makes it clear what causes heart disease and points out that it is not cholesterol! Click Here! to read about this book.

Elevated LDL/HDL Ratio
There is an E-Book available called The Great Cholesterol Lie. In it, Dr. Dwight Lundell, MD, a cardiovascular and
thoracic surgeon makes it clear what causes heart disease and points out that it is not cholesterol! Click Here! to read about this book.

Dreams-Need / Interpretation
First published twenty years ago, a revised edition of John Sanford’s classic exploration of the psychological and spiritual significance of dreams is available as Dreams: God’s Forgotten Language (Paperback)
Featuring a new preface by the author and using case histories from his own experience as a counselor, Dreams traces the role of dreams in the Bible, analyzing their nature and examining how Christians, through fear and the constraints of dogma, have come to reject the visions through which God speaks to humanity, making dreams — in Sanford’s words — “God’s forgotten language.”
There are other Godly authors who have written on this highly important and very helpful subject. A very short list would include:

The following books by Dr. Hoffer and by Dr. Pfeiffer are important reading for anyone with mental illness.
* How to Live with Schizophrenia. Abram Hoffer, M.D., PhD. & Humphrey Osmund, M.D. rev.l992
* Smart Nutrients, A Guide to Nutrition that can reverse and prevent senility. Abram Hoffer, M.D., PhD., cl994
* Putting It All Together. Abram Hoffer, M.D., PhD. cl996
* The Schizophrenias Ours to Conquer. Carl Pfeiffer, M.D., PhD. Rev. 1988
* Nutrition and Mental Illness. Balancing Body Chemistry. Carl Pfeiffer, M.D., PhD., cl987
Here is a website with loads of good information on the nutritional treatment of mental disorders.
Also see the book by Natasha Campbell-McBride MD calledGut and Psychology Syndrome.

Orthomolecular Treatment of Anxiety Disorders by Jonathan E. Prousky was published in the Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients, Feb-March, 2005. This article is generally available online.

Poor Memory
The Better Brain Book by David Perlmutter, M.D. provides tools needed for rejuvenating the mind, whether you have become forgetful and less able to focus at work, or are trying to help a loved one who has suffered a serious illness. The Better Brain Book offers a unique three-tiered food and supplement program that helps heal damage and restore youthful sharpness and memory, as well as specific exercises for keeping the mind alert.

Here is a website with lots of good information on the types and treatment of patients with depression.

Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD / ADHD)
Two books that could appear on any suggested reading list for ADD include:

Counseling Need
Healed Without Scars by David G. Evans’ has certainly managed to capture the heart, the reasoning, behind why an individual may choose to live his/her life in a “masquerade” fashion. Life’s journey for that individual may have presented a variety of intensely, painful situations, and thus, his/her life exists as nothing more than a cultivation of survival techniques to mask the pain. Bishop Evans’ book presents a wonderful and truthful resolution to unmask this painful dilemma regardless of the individual’s past or present traumatic circumstance. This book can be used as an excellent tool for counseling individuals in search of answers to living a divinely purposeful life.

Unresolved Grief
David G. Evans’ book, Healed Without Scars is indeed transforming and healing. He helps you by empathizing with your pain then turning you to look towards God. Through examples, he doesnt just tell you, but he shows you how to conquer your past hurts. I’ve read other books biblically counselling on pain, but they were very preachy, not applicable, or they started out promising, but did not complete the job.
Bishop Evans’ book is complete and he leads you through a process that will transform your ability to handle all your past and future pains. He gives examples from other people’s lives, going through the deepness of their pain first. He empathizes with the people and then and navigates through the pain with you, before showing you how to turn to God for your healing. There are no stones unturned because his examples help illustrate all the kinds of pain we struggle through from our past. Whether it’s abuse, rejection, or any other kind of emotional pain from our past, Healed Without Scars has the healing steps for you to finally overcome your past. Bishop Evans, before publishing this book, gave a whole series of messages on being healed without scars. After reading the book, I got the series as well, and it has helped me and friends of mine whom I have shared them with. This book will be a blessing to you too.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Here is a website with information on the nutritional treatment of OCD.

Bipolar Disorder, Manic-Depressive
Here is a website with good alternative information on the treatment of bipolar disorder.

See the book by Natasha Campbell-McBride MD calledGut and Psychology Syndrome orThe Specific Carbohydrate Diet by Elaine Gottschell, B.A.,M.Sc..
The Promise Of Low Dose Naltrexone Therapy: Potential Benefits in Cancer, Autoimmune, Neurological and Infectious Disorders. By Elaine Moore, co-author SammyJo Wilkinson Foreword by Dr. Yash Agrawal, MD, PhD.
This is perhaps the first, and so far only book on LDN, and as such represents a milestone in the effort to bring LDN into mainstream use. Written by Elaine Moore, a high level science writer with a portfolio of previous accomplishments, her LDN book is perhaps somewhat technical and may be difficult for the untrained non-professional to follow. It delves into the sophisticated jargon of the medical research world. For example, in Chapter 5 on LDN and Cancer, there is a discussion of Zagon’s work on Cyclin dependent kinases, P53 and protein 21 and how this relates to inhibition of cancer by LDN.
However, in addition to the esoteric technical sections of the book, there are also chapters devoted to the lay reader interested in learning how LDN can help them on a practical level. A listing of dispensing practitioners was included which I found contained my own office address and phone number.
The book is highly recommended for other health care practitioners who wish to get quickly up to speed in this new area of medicine which is destined to become the medical paradigm of the 21st century, casting a giant shadow over the rest of mainstream medicine.[ Comments on the LDN book by Jeffrey Dach MD]
Here is a website with some good information on the nutritional treatment of autism.
Also see the book by Natasha Campbell-McBride MD calledGut and Psychology Syndrome orThe Specific Carbohydrate Diet by Elaine Gottschell, B.A.,M.Sc..

The Maker’s Diet by Dr. Jordan Rubin, NMD.

Problem Caused By Being Overweight
There are so many books written about dieting that a person could probably read for hours each day and never read them all. If leptin resistance is suspected, the high fat, moderate protein and low carbohydrate approach of the Rosedale Diet may help those who are metabolically negative (need a high fat and protein diet).
Phil Campbell has written a book called [Ready, Set, GO! Synergy Fitness.] In it he describes how to lose weight with a program called Sprint 8. This is a form of intense aerobic exercise, but only takes 20 minutes and should only be done twice a week.

Headaches, Migraine/Tension
Headache Help by Lawrence Robbins, M.D. and Susan Lang. A Complete guide to understanding headaches and the medications that relieve them (Paperback).

Blood Type O
If you are interested, you might like to read Dr. D’Adamo’s book Eat Right for Your Type or his latest Live Right for Your Type. An understanding of why some foods may be beneficial for your type while others are harmful can only be grasped by reading the book.
Dr. Jordan Rubin, as a medical professional and a leader in the healthcare world, displays both an incredible depth and breadth of health and nutrition knowledge in his book The Maker’s Diet.
His program is designed around attacking the “Three I’s” that have everything to do with the chronic diseases of today):
Dr. Rubin provides a lot of insight backed by studies and medical research in an easy to read, clear and completely understandable language. You will learn what most don’t have nearly enough understanding of: that much of today’s disease, even in areas that would seem unrelated, have everything to do with unhealthy and decimated GI tracts.
Dr. Rubin provides a full range of solutions that are, in the truest sense of the word, “holistic.” His 40-day program is broken into three two-week phases that are entirely sensible and proven to be easy to follow.
However, it can get confusing with all the diets out there. The Maker’s Diet is like a blood type O diet. Since about 44% of people are blood type O, a high percentage of people who do not know their blood type will be helped. It is also a diet for those who have a faster metabolism. For those who are not type O, they should experiment to see which type of diet they seem to do better with – one based upon their blood type, or their metabolism.

Blood Type A
If you are interested, you might like to read Dr. D’Adamo’s book Eat Right for Your Type or his latest Live Right for Your Type. An understanding of why some foods may be beneficial for your type while others are harmful can only be grasped by reading the book.

Blood Type B
If you are interested, you might like to read Dr. D’Adamo’s book Eat Right for Your Type or his latest Live Right for Your Type. An understanding of why some foods may be beneficial for your type while others are harmful can only be grasped by reading the book.

Blood Type AB
If you are interested, you might like to read Dr. D’Adamo’s book Eat Right for Your Type or his latest Live Right for Your Type. An understanding of why some foods may be beneficial for your type while others are harmful can only be grasped by reading the book.

There is a Bible-based sleep program called the Wesley Sleep Program, developed by Billy Wilkins, former member of the Christian band Third Day. He found so many Scriptures that answered and supported his spiritual quest to find Godly, rather than medicinal ways to rest that he soon began to realize that peace was God’s desire for all of His children.
His sleep program, which comes in the form of a 60-minute CD, starts off with narration designed to soothingly equip the listener with Biblical principles for real rest, while combating four common sleep hindrances. The remaining musical portion leads to even deeper levels of relaxation and calm sleep.
The program also comes with a companion book, in which Wilkins speaks open and honestly about his own struggle with insomnia and anxiety medications.”

Diabetes Type II
In his latest book, The Diabetes Improvement Program: A Doctor’s Handbook for Using Foods and Supplements to Slow and Reverse the Complications of Diabetes, Dr. Patrick Quillin shows you how to use 10 super foods to conquer diabetes naturally…without the use of drugs or needles. With his 7-step program, you too can feel better in just three weeks.
You’ll learn how to:

Increased Risk of Diabetes ll
In his latest book, The Diabetes Improvement Program: A Doctor’s Handbook for Using Foods and Supplements to Slow and Reverse the Complications of Diabetes, Dr. Patrick Quillin shows you how to use 10 super foods to conquer diabetes naturally…without the use of drugs or needles. With his 7-step program, you too can feel better in just three weeks.
You’ll learn how to:

Low Back Pain / Problems
John E. Sarno, MD has successfully educated a high percentage of chronic low back pain sufferers by teaching them how psychological issues can be converted into back pain. The pain is then eliminated or controlled by a new awareness of the real reason behind the pain. When no structural or organic cause is detected, his success rate is 80-90%. All the information you need is in his book, The Mindbody Prescription.
For those whose low back pain is not related to a major injury, overly tight hamstring muscles may be causing the pain. With stretching, your back pain may be gone in less than a week. Healing Back Pain Naturally: The Mind-Body Program Proven to Work by Art Brownstein describes this problem and has lead to a pain-free back for many readers. Some consider it the most helpful book they have read on the subject.
8 Steps to a Pain-Free Back: Natural Posture Solutions for Pain in the Back, Neck, Shoulder, Hip, Knee, and Foot by Esther Gokhale.
This book offers a natural, simple solution to chronic back pain. No special machines or contraptions or surgeries are required. Instead it teaches healthy posture. Esther Gohkale studied posture in countries such as India, Burkina Faso, and Portugal, where people have very back-demanding life styles, but suffer very little back injury or pain. Her book offers an anthropological study, with color photographs of beautiful, healthy backs from around the world, in ancient and modern times. She offers clear, simple instructions to help anyone achieve healthy, pain-free posture. Review by Suzanne Churchill.

Increased Risk of Basal Cell Skin Cancer
The Eggplant Cancer Cure – A Treatment for Skin Cancer and New Hope for Other Cancers From Natures Pharmacy by Dr. Bill E. Cham, Ph.D.
Treatment with an eggplant extract, discussed in this book, and elsewhere on the Internet, has proven highly effective in curing skin cancers other than melanomas. More information can be found at his web site.
Curaderm BEC5 Cream is the revolutionary skin cancer treatment which is becoming the topic of discussion in health food stores, doctor’s offices and at the dinner table. BEC5 comes from a plant substance called solsaodine glycosides found in Nightshade plants such as eggplant. With more than 25 years of research, Dr. Cham claims a more than 95% success rate in treating and removing these forms of non-melanoma skin carcinoma without damage to the surrounding tissue. The cream has not proven to be effective in treating melanoma. Further studies with other extracts (BEC and BEC2) have shown a 100% success rate.

Increased Risk of Squamous Cell Skin Cancer
The Eggplant Cancer Cure – A Treatment for Skin Cancer and New Hope for Other Cancers From Natures Pharmacy by Dr. Bill E. Cham, Ph.D.
Treatment with an eggplant extract, discussed in this book, and elsewhere on the Internet, has proven highly effective in curing skin cancers other than melanomas. More information can be found at his web site.
Curaderm BEC5 Cream is the revolutionary skin cancer treatment which is becoming the topic of discussion in health food stores, doctor’s offices and at the dinner table. BEC5 comes from a plant substance called solsaodine glycosides found in Nightshade plants such as eggplant. With more than 25 years of research, Dr. Cham claims a more than 95% success rate in treating and removing these forms of non-melanoma skin carcinoma without damage to the surrounding tissue. The cream has not proven to be effective in treating melanoma. Further studies with other extracts (BEC and BEC2) have shown a 100% success rate.

Increased Risk of Prostate Cancer
Prostate Health in 90 Days…without drugs or surgery by Larry Clapp, PhD, JD is a book which is devoted to explaining in detail how to prevent or cure cancer by balancing the body’s pH through clearing toxins from the body, improving diet, exercising, and improving one’s emotional and sexual life. To monitor progress, Clapp introduces the Biological Terrain Assessment (BTA) testing. The BTA measures pH, reduction oxidation, and the resistivity of the blood, saliva and urine.
You can read more about this bookhere. It is available also in downloadable form as an electronic book (E-Book).

Cancer / Risk - General Measures
How to Fight Cancer & Win from Agora Health Books contains many unconventional cancer treatments that have helped eliminate cancers of various types. Discover 43 simple ways to cancer-proof your life.
The Promise Of Low Dose Naltrexone Therapy: Potential Benefits in Cancer, Autoimmune, Neurological and Infectious Disorders. By Elaine Moore, co-author SammyJo Wilkinson Foreword by Dr. Yash Agrawal, MD, PhD.
This is perhaps the first, and so far only book on LDN, and as such represents a milestone in the effort to bring LDN into mainstream use. Written by Elaine Moore, a high level science writer with a portfolio of previous accomplishments, her LDN book is perhaps somewhat technical and may be difficult for the untrained non-professional to follow. It delves into the sophisticated jargon of the medical research world. For example, in Chapter 5 on LDN and Cancer, there is a discussion of Zagon’s work on Cyclin dependent kinases, P53 and protein 21 and how this relates to inhibition of cancer by LDN.
However, in addition to the esoteric technical sections of the book, there are also chapters devoted to the lay reader interested in learning how LDN can help them on a practical level. A listing of dispensing practitioners was included which I found contained my own office address and phone number.
The book is highly recommended for other health care practitioners who wish to get quickly up to speed in this new area of medicine which is destined to become the medical paradigm of the 21st century, casting a giant shadow over the rest of mainstream medicine.[ Comments on the LDN book by Jeffrey Dach MD]

Increased Risk of Alzheimer's / Dementia
A team of national researchers, led by Emory University, has developed a rapid screening test to detect mild cognitive impairment (MCI) – often the earliest stage of AD. The findings are published in the online edition of Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease.
The study shows that the combination of a very brief three-minute cognitive screening test, called the Mini-Cog (MC), with a Functional Activities Questionnaire (FAQ) – administered to a family member or friend – could accurately identify individuals with MCI and undiagnosed dementia.
“Since current medications can only delay the onset of Alzheimer’s disease but are not able to reverse its devastating effects, a test like this is key to help individuals detect this devastating disease earlier and maintain a good quality of life for as long as possible,” says James Lah, MD, associate professor of neurology, Emory University School of Medicine and lead investigator of the study.
The new screening instrument, referred to as the MC-FAQ, allowed the researchers to correctly classify the 204 participating elderly individuals as cognitively normal, demented, or mildly cognitively impaired with a high degree of accuracy (83%). Approximately 30 percent of participants had MCI and 32% were very mildly demented.
According to Lah, screening for MCI is notoriously difficult and typically requires 40-60 minutes or more of formal neuropsychological testing to achieve 80 percent accuracy or higher. Specific accuracy for classifying people as MCI with the MC-FAQ was 74%.
“While this may not seem overly impressive, it is quite remarkable for a 3-minute investment,” says Lah. “The MC-FAQ is also extremely inexpensive, easy to administer and score, and requires no special training.”
The MC portion of the screening consisted of a simple clock drawing task and three-item recall that typically took the research participant less than five minutes to complete. The FAQ was completed by a reliable informant, generally a spouse, other family member or close friend while the research participant was performing other tasks. [Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, November 2008 (Volume 15:3)]
Please note: If you decide to try this test and, you find the results of the test suspicious, please don’t jump to any conclusion until you consult with your personal care physician.
There are three parts to the test.
First, name three objects and then ask the person being tested to repeat them back to you (for example, chair, house, apple). If the person cannot repeat the three objects after a few tries (cannot learn them), please consult a physician immediately. If the person can complete this task move on to the following.
Second, ask the person to draw a clock. The clock should include the shape and the numbers on the clock. Pretty much like a simple clock you see on a wall.
Third, ask the person to repeat the words/objects from the first part of the test.
If the person is unable to repeat any of the words, they might be categorized as mildly cognitively impaired or suffering from dementia. The key word so far – might.
If the person can repeat all three words the person is not “probably suffering from dementia”.
If the person cannot draw the clock or if it looks abnormal they would fall into the category of “probably” suffering from mild cognitive impairment or dementia.
You should note that many people that cannot past this test might be suffering from some other illness. This is why it is necessary to consult your doctor and a memory specialist.
The person you are testing could be suffering from depression, hypothyroidism, or any number of illnesses that can present as Alzheimer’s or dementia. This is why it is necessary to get a complete battery of tests performed by a medical professional prior to any “official” diagnosis.

The Eggplant Cancer Cure – A Treatment for Skin Cancer and New Hope for Other Cancers From Natures Pharmacy by Dr. Bill E. Cham, Ph.D.
Treatment with an eggplant extract, discussed in this book, and elsewhere on the Internet, has proven highly effective in curing skin cancers other than melanomas. More information can be found at his web site.
This effective cure works also for actinic keratoses.

Female Hair Loss
Breaking the Silence on Women’s Hair Loss: A Proactive Guide to Finding Help by Candace Hoffmann. This book includes sections on the causes of women’s hair loss, hair loss myths, possible treatments, and a range of hair care options. It will be a valuable resource for anyone who is coping with this problem, and for everyone who wants to understand and assist women who are dealing with hair loss.

Basal Cell Cancer
The Eggplant Cancer Cure – A Treatment for Skin Cancer and New Hope for Other Cancers From Natures Pharmacy by Dr. Bill E. Cham, Ph.D.
Treatment with an eggplant extract, discussed in this book, and elsewhere on the Internet, has proven highly effective in curing skin cancers other than melanomas. More information can be found at his web site.
Curaderm BEC5 Cream is the revolutionary skin cancer treatment which is becoming the topic of discussion in health food stores, doctor’s offices and at the dinner table. BEC5 comes from a plant substance called solsaodine glycosides found in Nightshade plants such as eggplant. With more than 25 years of research, Dr. Cham claims a more than 95% success rate in treating and removing these forms of non-melanoma skin carcinoma without damage to the surrounding tissue. The cream has not proven to be effective in treating melanoma. Further studies with other extracts (BEC and BEC2) have shown a 100% success rate.

Squamous Cell Cancer
The Eggplant Cancer Cure – A Treatment for Skin Cancer and New Hope for Other Cancers From Natures Pharmacy by Dr. Bill E. Cham, Ph.D.
Treatment with an eggplant extract, discussed in this book, and elsewhere on the Internet, has proven highly effective in curing skin cancers other than melanomas. More information can be found at his web site.
Curaderm BEC5 Cream is the revolutionary skin cancer treatment which is becoming the topic of discussion in health food stores, doctor’s offices and at the dinner table. BEC5 comes from a plant substance called solsaodine glycosides found in Nightshade plants such as eggplant. With more than 25 years of research, Dr. Cham claims a more than 95% success rate in treating and removing these forms of non-melanoma skin carcinoma without damage to the surrounding tissue. The cream has not proven to be effective in treating melanoma. Further studies with other extracts (BEC and BEC2) have shown a 100% success rate.

Pancreatic Cancer
The Promise Of Low Dose Naltrexone Therapy: Potential Benefits in Cancer, Autoimmune, Neurological and Infectious Disorders. By Elaine Moore, co-author SammyJo Wilkinson Foreword by Dr. Yash Agrawal, MD, PhD.
This is perhaps the first, and so far only book on LDN, and as such represents a milestone in the effort to bring LDN into mainstream use. Written by Elaine Moore, a high level science writer with a portfolio of previous accomplishments, her LDN book is perhaps somewhat technical and may be difficult for the untrained non-professional to follow. It delves into the sophisticated jargon of the medical research world. For example, in Chapter 5 on LDN and Cancer, there is a discussion of Zagon’s work on Cyclin dependent kinases, P53 and protein 21 and how this relates to inhibition of cancer by LDN.
However, in addition to the esoteric technical sections of the book, there are also chapters devoted to the lay reader interested in learning how LDN can help them on a practical level. A listing of dispensing practitioners was included which I found contained my own office address and phone number.
The book is highly recommended for other health care practitioners who wish to get quickly up to speed in this new area of medicine which is destined to become the medical paradigm of the 21st century, casting a giant shadow over the rest of mainstream medicine.[ Comments on the LDN book by Jeffrey Dach MD]

Interstitial Cystitis
There is a book (paperback or ebook) by Angela Kilmartin entitled The Patient’s Encyclopedia of Urinary Tract Infection, Sexual Cystitis and Interstitial Cystitis. Her website details what she believes to be the cause of this and other bladder condtions, which is an infection with Mycoureaplasma. Difficult to test for, this organism also only responds to one antibiotic.

Menopausal Status / Issues
Suzanne Somers has brought bioidentical hormones onto center stage. In her book, The Sexy Years…, she describes how bioidentical hormones relieved her menopause symptoms. She also makes it clear that she intends to stay on them for the rest of her life.

Motherhood Issues
Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS) – Natural treatment for autism, ADHD/ADD, dyslexia, dyspraxia, depression and schizophrenia. Written by Natasha Campbell-McBride MD.

Postmenopausal Status / Issues
Suzanne Somers has brought bioidentical hormones onto center stage. In her book, The Sexy Years, she describes how bioidentical hormones relieved her menopause symptoms. She also makes it clear that she intends to stay on them for the rest of her life.
![]() | May do some good |
![]() | Likely to help |
![]() | Highly recommended |